
Three ordinary guys discussing life, faith, and everything in between.

Bob Murphy

Bob Murphy

Listen to the latest episode of Messy Christianity podcast.

Bob Murphy

Mike Jernigan

Listen to the latest episode of Messy Christianity podcast.

Bob Murphy

Dawn and Jared Proctor (part two)

Back again in the studio are Jared and Dawn Proctor.  Today we discuss how God often uses our passions, skills and desires to bring his purpose in and through our lives.  God made us, therefore he knows us.  Life is more fun when we realize we were made with a...

Bob Murphy

Dawn and Jared Proctor (part one)

When Dawn and Jared Proctor found out they were having another baby, they were crazy excited.  Everything in their life seemed to be right on track.  And then they were given the devastating news that there was a problem with the pregnancy.  They were hit with a...

Bob Murphy

Dr. Larry Reesor

Dr. Larry Reesor has immeasurably impacted the world with the gospel. He has introduced hundreds of thousands of believers to develop a kingdom mindset and a heart for missions, Some would say, in the last 50 years, he has had the greatest influence on helping the...

More of God

More of God

We all want more of God or do we? The quick answer most Christians would give is "yes I want more of God". But, isn't that a bit risky? What if God asks more of us than we are wanting to give? What does it mean to want more of God and how do we get more of Him?

How To Hear From God

God still speaks today. For those of us that have been around church life for any period of time, this is not breaking news. We have heard this message many times. But, how does God speak? How do we hear from Him? How do we know it is God speaking?

Making the Big Life Transitions

Life is full of transitions. Change can be challenging for some, and exhilarating for others. Some transitions are unexpected, while others are known far in advance. Some are very difficult and tragic, while others are momentous and life shifting. Transitions and...

Should I Take a Vacation?

Should I Take a Vacation?

Are vacations Biblical? Is it wrong to take a vacation? Is it necessary? What does the Bible actually say about getting away? What is the ideal vacation for each of us?

The Greatest Movies of All Time

The Greatest Movies of All Time

Just three guys opinions about some of their favorite movies. Not the deepest and most spiritual conversation we've ever had, but there might be a nugget or two in this episode. Some choices you might expect on this list, but there might be a few you don't see coming.

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