Category: Theology



Book Commentary


Author Spotlight: A.W. Tozer

OK, so this isn’t necessarily a book review as much as an author review, but I just don’t think you can miss with Tozer. I’ve read several influential books in the past, but Tozer is the one author I continue...

Bible Study




Church Leadership


Confrontation is Love

“I want to find a church that loves me for who I am.” “I’m looking for a place that won’t judge me.” “I need a church that will love me and my family and help us feel appreciated.”...

Everything Else


Think Like a Skinny Christian

About 3 months ago I saw a video of myself from many years back.  I was at least 35 or 40 pounds lighter.  I stared at the video and thought, “I can get back there again.”  So, starting the next day, I started...

About Messy Christianity

Christianity is messy.  Ministry is messy.  Life is messy.  It's messy because we live in a fallen world full of fallen people.  However, God has used the messiness (is that a word?) of people throughout history.  He takes our brokenness and insecurities, and uses them for His purposes and glory.

My name is Kevin Tillman and I'm a preacher's kid.  I've been in the church my whole life.  I've got my share of perfect attendance pins (if anyone remembers those).  I've been in the ministry since I was 19 years old.  I've served as a music pastor, youth pastor, children's pastor, and even the head-honcho pastor for a while.  I've served in several churches, and a few different "types" of churches.  I survived the worship wars of the 90's and early 2000's.  I've been hurt by people, and I've been uplifted by people.  I've definitely made my share of mistakes.

Bottom line:  It's messy!  But, I believe it's worth it.  This blog is not polished.  I'm not seeking to win any awards here.  I won't be proof reading or double checking grammar or spelling.  I won't even double check my thoughts.  I will come back and amend something if I later find myself to be wrong.  Honestly, this blog might be more for me than anyone else.  However, my hope is that it can serve as an encouragement and a tool for others.  Thanks for taking time to read.  Enjoy the mess!






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